For children aged 6-18 years A place where
children and teens
can be authentic
AIS International School Aerial View

"The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility, - these three forces are the very nerve of education." R.Steiner
AIS International School is a privately owned BRITISH SCHOOL with a Steiner-Waldorf inspired educational model, dedicated to offering a unique and holistic learning experience.

AIS follows the British National Curriculum complemented by a Steiner-Waldorf perspective and integrated Mindfulness practices, ensuring that equal emphasis is placed on solid academic foundation, artistic expression and socio-emotional development. It is a place for children to be authentic; to be able to grow, develop and learn in a supportive and creative environment. Learning through working in co-operation with one another and from an experienced and engaged teaching team who offer a personalised approach to the development and support of the wellbeing of each individual child.

Children have the opportunity to learn in an outstanding natural setting where their day is intertwined with outdoor activities. AIS is a vibrant, multicultural and inclusive school where individuals feel able to express themselves and parent involvement is intrinsic. We are a friendly and intimate school where individual care for each child is fundamental, and everyone – students, staff and parents

BRITISH NATIONAL CURRICULUM: The internationally acclaimed British National Curriculum is a well crafted set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools. It is taught by thousands of schools world-wide, and by more than 100 schools in Spain.
pillars of
STEINER-WALDORF ORIENTATION: The Steiner-Waldorf pedagogic philosophy promotes a developmentally appropriate and broad learning experience grounded in a unique approach to curricular delivery and design: equal emphasis is placed on a solid academic foundation, artistic expression and socio-emotional development. Read More MINDFULNESS Mindfulness Integration: Mindfulness practices are woven into our daily routines and curriculum, fostering self-awareness, empathy, focus, and resilience.
pillars of
BRITISH NATIONAL CURRICULUM: The internationally acclaimed British National Curriculum is a well crafted set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools. It is taught by thousands of schools world-wide, and by more than 100 schools in Spain.

The national curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ (KS)
educational pillars of
STEINER-WALDORF ORIENTATION: The Steiner-Waldorf pedagogic philosophy promotes a developmentally appropriate and broad learning experience grounded in a unique approach to curricular delivery and design: equal emphasis is placed on a solid academic foundation, artistic expression and socio-emotional development.

AIS embraces the holistic principles of Steiner-Waldorf education, which emphasise the importance of nurturing the whole child – intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. This approach encourages critical thinking, artistic expression, and social responsibility, preparing students to become well-rounded, compassionate individuals.
MINDFULNESS Mindfulness Integration: Mindfulness practices are woven into our daily routines and curriculum, fostering self-awareness, empathy, focus, and resilience. This cultivates a positive learning environment where students feel safe, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. Compare Education Systems Read More Read More COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: A special and important feature that encompasses the school ethos and wraps around the 3 pillars is our sense of community. By embracing active participation from teachers, students, and their families, our daily school life becomes a vibrant and inclusive learning environment where parent groups and their activities play an integral role.

Our engagement with our community involves regular parent meetings, class events, and school fairs that help foster a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Our termly festivals showcase student learning and creativity, celebrating the achievements of our students within this supportive community environment. And our family excursions into the local countryside offer opportunities to connect with nature and each other.

Together, we strive to create a nurturing and inspiring school environment where every student can thrive, develop a lifelong love of learning, and contribute positively to the world.
AIS offers a rigorous and competent preparation for IGCSE exams (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) at age 16 and A-levels at age 18, with validation for Spanish and other international education systems._

The British National Curriculum: We observe the rigorous National Curriculum of England, with English as the medium of instruction, ensuring our students receive a high-quality, internationally recognised education. This foundation equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in further studies and future careers.
close Back Steiner-Waldorf
“Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings, who are able to impart purpose and direction to their lives.”
Rudolf Steiner
Steiner-Waldorf education has proved itself adaptable in different ways all over the world over the past 100 years, and has the reputation for preparing well-rounded and balanced human beings who are able to cope with the demands of a fast-changing and uncertain world.

AIS is interested in combining the advantages and solidity of the British curriculum with the insight and sensitivity of the Steiner Waldorf method. This includes respecting individual developmental stages, giving personalised attention and working with small groups. The development of social and emotional skills and a sense of inclusivity are also a priority. To this end the school offers special events, trips and nurturing community activities.

In keeping with the Steiner ethos, we aim to provide an unhurried and creative learning environment, where interest is nurtured by experiential learning. The core subjects of the curriculum, designed to work in harmony with the different phases of the student’s development, include a balance of artistic, practical and intellectual content.
at AIS
Through mindfulness, we aim to create a calmer, more focused, and supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to manage stress, navigate challenges, and cultivate positive relationships with themselves and others. We believe that these skills are essential for academic success, personal well-being, and a fulfilling life.
Mindfulness is the practice of paying full attention to the present moment without judgement. It involves noticing our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations with kindness and curiosity. At AIS, we believe that incorporating mindfulness into our educational approach helps students develop self-awareness, focus, emotional regulation, and empathy.

We integrate mindfulness practices into various aspects of school life, including circle time, subject lessons and assemblies. These practices can range from simple activities like sitting and eating in silence to learning about meditation and relaxation techniques to engaging in thoughtful discussions about relevant topics as a community.

“We are delighted with the well-being of our children studying at AIS.” (Parent of Class 6) A School where students are nurtured, happy and safe A school where students are nurtured, happy and safe read more LEER MÁS Primary “We are delighted with the well-being of our children studying at AIS.

We moved to Spain one year ago and it was a tremendous change linguistically and culturally, but with the patience and professional guidance of the school staff, we feel our children have been really helped to stabilise in their new environment.

Moreover, they are receiving the tools and skills that they will need later in life to be balanced and happy grown-up individuals.” (Parent Class 6)

“AIS is a gem! We are lucky to be part of a school community in which our children are being prepared not just academically but also to handle their emotions in a better way.”
(Parents of Class 8)
read more Innovative education. healthy environment. proven success. Innovative education
Healthy environment
Proven success
READ more Secondary “AIS is a gem!

We are lucky to be part of a school community with spaces of focus, connection, and growth, in which our children are being prepared not just academically but also to handle their emotions in a better way.

For our son, it has been a very welcoming and positive school experience. Seeing him already deal with the challenges of life with more clarity has brought much happiness to our family.”
(Parent Class 8)

“We consider ourselves to be very lucky to have our children in AIS. They achieve a good level of academic knowledge, without being stressed or burned out.” (Parent of Class 9) read more Outstanding results in fine arts, modern foreign languages, maths. Outstanding results in Maths, Fine Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, and Business Studies.
read more A-LEVEL “We consider ourselves to be very lucky to have our children in AIS. It allows them to learn and grow up in a peaceful environment, with adults who care about all aspects of their personalities.

They achieve a good level of academic knowledge, without being stressed or burned out. And of course, it has a very positive impact on our family life. Happy children, happy parents!” (Parent class 9)

Immersion in English with fun and educational activities for three age groups
4-9, 10-12, 13-15
Summer School Read More

If you would like to enrol your child in this current school year 2024/25 please contact us or send us an Admission Enquiry Form to find out about availability. Inscriptions for
Now available!
AIS welcomes children between the ages of 6 to 18 years. We aim to make the application process as smooth as possible and we’re here to answer any questions you may have. Additional Services
1. What area does the bus service cover - what are the routes?

There are three buses serving the school. They come from/ go to Javea, Calpe and Alicante.
2. What is the lunch service?
It's a hot vegetarian meal with a high percentage of organic vegetables. It is made on site at the school.
Admission Enquiry Form Frequently Asked Questions close English and Languages
1. Can children enter without speaking any English?
Children can enrol at AIS form Class 1 until Class 6 without English, but need to have a basic level of English when they enter Class 7. If they enter in Class 8 with a low English level, they will be expected to take intensive extra-curricular classes.
2. Are the lessons all taught in English?
All lessons are taught in English except the language classes, gardening and arts and crafts
Inscriptions for
Now available!
1. Will they be taught in English from Class 1/Year 2?

Yes they start with English from Class 1 and children that arrive without English are speaking English at the latest by the end of their first year, often it's much earlier.
1. How many GCSEs are taught?

8 GCSE/IGCSE subjects are offered. There are 5 mandatory subjects including Maths, English, Spanish and Science -Bio, Chem, Physics and 2 options that include a range of subjects: ICT, Computer Science, P.E., Business Studies, Art, Music, Drama, Geography, German, French.
2. Does AIS offer the IB (International Baccalaureate)?
No, AIS offers the A-levels of the British Curriculum.
1. Do the children sit exams?

There are no external exams until the GCSE/IGCSEs in Class 10.
2. What are the class sizes?
The class sizes vary from 14-22. Our maximum in Primary is 22 children per class. In Secondary our average class size is 16.
Frequently Asked Questions Call us or send a WhatsApp Read More...

10 Good Reasons Why Parents Choose AIS

Children enjoy going to school 1. Teachers encourage and challenge students appropriately The individual potential is recognised and strengthened. Teachers make an effort to find the right level of challenge and work in small groups.
Support is given when needed In a safe learning environment, lessons take different levels into account. Testing does not form part of the early curriculum, students are given direct feedback by the teacher in class. Helpful comments are given on written work and project evaluations. Twice a term, more comprehensive information about the learning development is given in the school report. 3. Teachers meet the students at eye level Students feel confident to approach teachers. Their opinions and suggestions are always valued and taken into consideration. Within the lessons there is a space for self-determination and creative freedom. For certain activities, the process is not predetermined, the steps are considered and agreed upon together. Students are involved in assembly design and presentation and they participate in class trip organisation.
There are clear rules and regulations Lessons start on time, students and teachers treat each other with respect, and work is returned promptly.

Principles of cooperation are anchored in the school policies and accepted by all. If the agreements are violated, sanctions are given.
The school is not only a place of learning, but also a place to live The School environment feels like a small village. Care is taken with classroom decoration and keeping the school and premises tidy and litter free. 6. The school is integrated within the wider community The school has collaborative relationships with sport clubs, local town halls and other international schools. Throughout the school year, a program of interns from other European countries contribute their practice within the school.
Parents, artists, craftspeople and social activists are invited to share their experience and knowledge.
The teachers are not lone fighters The teachers welcome the support of colleagues and parents within their lessons.

They work together in teams, exchange experiences, attend training courses and teachers have regular appraisals.
Parents get involved in the school The School promotes parental participation in project teams for community activities, on school trips and excursions.

Parents collaborate with the school including volunteering in the cafeteria and on the playground. They also participate in a weekly crafts group.
Parents also feel at home here Information evenings and open days cater to the desire to meet teachers and other parents. Regular meetings are offered with the teachers and the school management will always organise readily to meet the request for an interview. The nature of an international community, in that everyone is looking for like-minded families ,promotes strong long-lasting friendships. 10.

AIS on Instagram Main Office Phone : +34 625295634
General Email email: [email protected]
Admissions Email email: [email protected]
AIS International School
Cami de l'Ermita 12
Alfaz del Pi 03580

Cautivador 18
La Nucia 03530
Contact STAFF VACANCIES To apply for a teaching or administration position at AIS, please please send us a message with your up-to-date biography and any other relevant material to:
[email protected] To apply for a teaching or administration position at AIS, please please send us a message with your up-to-date biography and any other relevant material to:
STAFF VACANCIES [email protected]

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